The Lesson of the Black Dot – A Story About Staying Positive

Once upon a time, there was a kind professor who taught in a classroom full of students. One day, he surprised his students by announcing that they would have a test. The students sat at their desks, feeling a bit nervous, and waited for the test to begin. The professor handed out question papers with the text facing down, just like he always did. When he gave everyone a paper, he asked them to turn it over and start the test.

But to everyone’s surprise, there were no questions on the paper. Instead, there was a small black dot right in the center of the page. The students were puzzled by this strange test, but they did their best to complete it. When the class was over, the professor collected all the answer papers and began reading them aloud in front of the students.

As he read each paper, he noticed that every student had written about the black dot. They tried to describe where it was on the page and what it looked like. After reading all the papers, the classroom was quiet. The professor wanted to teach them an important lesson and said, “I’m not going to give you grades for this test. I wanted to make you think about something. None of you wrote about the white part of the paper. You all focused on the black dot.”

Then he explained, “Life is a bit like this test. We often notice the small problems or ‘black dots’ in our lives and forget about all the good things, just like the white part of the paper. We have so many reasons to be happy and grateful. Nature is beautiful, our friends are there for us, our jobs help us, and we see small miracles every day.”

“But sometimes, we can’t stop thinking about the small problems, like feeling sick, not having enough money, or having disagreements with our family or friends. These problems are like the black dots, and they can make us unhappy. But remember, the black dots are tiny compared to all the good things in our lives.”

So the professor’s message was clear: “Don’t focus only on the black dots in your life. Enjoy and appreciate all the blessings and good moments that come your way. Be happy and live your life with a positive attitude!”

Moral of the Story: “Life is full of good things, just like the white part of the paper. Sometimes, we get caught up thinking about the small problems, like the black dot. But it’s important to focus on the good things and be happy. Don’t let the tiny problems spoil your happiness.”

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