Indian sculptures and religious books are full of Hindu religious stories with moral values which tells about the custom and beliefs of those days.
Indian Mythological stories for kids are perfect medium to spread values and tradition. Short religious story with moral lessons are great way to introduce kids with Indian culture and values.

Stories of Hindu gods are featured with various Indian mythological creatures, and religious messages.
At storybook, We have selected Famous Hindu mythological stories which are valuable for children.
We believe you will enjoy this list of short Indian mythological stories with moral lesson.
12+ Best Indian Mythological Short Stories
Hindu mythology is full of Hindu god stories for kids which delivers explain moral values and life lessons.
Lets begin 12+ short mythological stories of India.
1. Susharma Was Purified
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is the one story of Bhagavad Gita. Once, there lived a man called Susharma. He was born in a Brahmin family but was a sinful man. He always enjoyed hurting others.
One day, Susharma entered the garden of a sage to disturb him during his prayers.
There, a snake bit him and he died. Because of all his sins, he was sent to hell and suffered for a long time. Afterward, he was reborn as a bull and was purchased by a man.
For many years, he had to carry heavy loads on his back. One day, the bull fell unconscious and was about to die.
All people who watched the scene, felt sorry for the bull and presented him with some credit of their good deeds.
After the bull had died and reached in front of Yamaraja, he was informed that he was freed from the fruits of all his previous sinful deeds.
In his next life, Susharma again took birth as a Brahmin. He met all the people who had presented him with the credit of their good deeds and thanked them for their kindness. Susharma eventually became completely pure and performed all generous and kind deeds.
2. The Favourite Devotee
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is the Hindu moral stories. One day, sage Narada ( famous sage in Hindu tradition) went to Lord Vishnu (God of the preserver and protector of the universe as per Hindu tradition) and asked him who his favorite devotee was.
He had thought that the Lord would say his name. But the Lord said that there was a farmer on earth who was his favourite devotee.
Sage Narada was upset and decided to test the farmer. He went to the farmer and started observing him secretly.
He noticed that the farmer chanted the name of the Lord only three times a day—once after waking up in the morning, next before starting his labour in the field and finally before sleeping at night.
He was surprised and told this to Vishnu and asked the reason for the farmer being his favourite devotee.
Before answering his question, Lord Vishnu gave the sage a vessel filled with water. He asked him to go round the world holding the vessel and no drop of water should fall off the vessel.
Following the Lord’s orders, sage Narada completed the assigned work and returned to the Lord.
Vishnu then asked the sage how many times he chanted the Lord’s name during his work. He was ashamed as he had not remembered the Lord even once during his work. He realised his mistake and felt sorry for his silly behaviour.
3. Disciple of Sage Ayoda-Dhaumya
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is short mythological story in english. Once, there was a boy named Aruni. He was a student of sage Dhoumya and lived in his ashram.
One day, it was raining heavily and Aruni was returning to the ashram after collecting firewood. While he was crossing the field, he saw that at the far end, a barrier had been built to protect the crops by stopping water from entering the fields. But there was a gap in the barrier and water was leaking through it. He became worried and tried to put some mud and straw in the gap.
But the pressure of the water was so strong that it washed away the mud. Meanwhile, in the ashram, sage Dhoumya was worried, “so he set out to look for Aruni, along with other students. They called Aruni’s name and heard a faint reply. They reached the spot and found Aruni lying against the gap to stop the water leakage. He was shivering with cold.
Sage Dhoumya was very happy to see his act of devotion. He took Aruni back to the ashram and made him feel warm and comfortable. He declared that he would be famous far and wide for his act of devotion.
4. The Accursed Ketaki Flower Story
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is the stories of Hindu gods. Once day, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma started quarrelling about which of them was superior.
Just then, Shiva appeared beside them in the form of an endless column of light. The column stretched upwards and downwards as far as the eye could see. The two gods decided that whoever found the top or the bottom of the column first would be superior.
So, Lord Vishnu In the form of a boar, went far downwards but could not find the base of the column, and finally gave up.
Lord Brahma, in the form of a swan, flew upwards but he too was unsuccessful in reaching the top. He saw a Ketaki flower falling down. He caught it and
returned to the starting point to meet Lord Vishnu.
Then claiming his success, he waved the flower which he said he had found at the top. Lord Vishnu asked the flower if Brahma was true.
The flower of the column replied that Lord Brahma was true. This lie angered Lord Shiva, and he cursed the flower.
The Ketaki, till then considered the best among flowers, lost its importance and was never again offered in worship except on Mahashivratri when it makes a shy appearance.
5. Kaveri River Story in English
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is the Short religious story with moral. Once, there was unusually hot summer prevailing in South India. Therefore, sage Agastya went to Mt Kailash to ask Lord Shiva for water.
The Kaveri was worshipping Lord Shiva at that time. Shiva picked her up and handed her to Agastya. The sage put her in his kamandalu (pot).
Sage Agastya thanked Lord Shiva for his priceless gift and set out for his journey to South India.
Indra, the king of god, did not like what Lord Shiva had done. So, he requested Lord Ganesha to go to sage Agastya and somehow overturn his kamandalu so that Kaveri might flow out.
Ganesha took the form of a crow approached sage Agastya. On his way, sage was tired and sat down to take a rest. He kept the kamandalu down.
Ganesha flew downwards and sat on the rim of the kamandalu. As a result, the kamandalu was overturned and the Kaveri flowed out.
Sage Agastya was very angry with the crow. But as soon as Lord Ganesha transformed to his true form, sage Agastya forgot his anger and calmed down.
Lord Ganesha refilled Agastya’s kamandalu, but the Kaveri flowed on. The river continues to flow in India even today.
6. Story of Prahlad and Hiranyakashipu
(Short Indian Mythological Stories with Moral Lessons)
This is mythology story for kids. Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu were cruel demon brothers. Lord Vishnu had already killed Hiranyaksha. So, Hiranyakashipu hated Lord Vishnu. He ordered that the people around the world should worship him like God.
Anyone who refused to worship him was punished to be killed. Worried by his cruel deeds, all gods went to Lord Vishnu and narrated Him everything.
After listening to them patiently, Lord Vishnu promised to kill him.
Hiranyakashipu’s son, Prahalada, was a big devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu did not like this and decided to punish his son. He didn’t provide him with food and water for many days and put him in prison. But Prahalada refused to give up his prayers.
One day, Lord Vishnu with the half-body of a lion and the half-body of a man emerged before Hiranyakashipu.
He chased Hiranyakashipu, seated him on his lap, tore is body using his nails and killed him.
Devotee Prahalada was immensely pleased to see the Lord in person and sang his glory as a true devotee. Lord Vishnu made him the new king and went back to heaven.
Prahalada ruled the country for many years and continued worshipping Lord Vishnu.
7. The Wise Ganesha Story
(Indian Mythological Stories for Kids)
This is from one of the real god stories in India. On the snow-covered mountains of Kailash, there lived Lord Shiva with his wife Parvati. They had two sons. The younger, Ganesha and the elder, Karttik.
Ganesha was playful and patient while Karttik was wise. But both were very powerful and kind. All the gods loved them dearly.
One day, the gods were discussing about the unmatched powers of Ganesha and Karttik. But who was the wiser of the brothers could not be decided. So they approached the holy sage Narada.
Sage Narada suggested that they should let the two brothers compete to get their answer. They all reached Mt Kailash and told everything to Shiva and Parvati.
It was then decided that the two brothers would race around the world and the one who finished first would be regarded as the wiser of the two.
Karttik swiftly started for the race while Ganesha with his both palms joined in reverence circled around his parents.
When asked what he was doing, he replied, “My parents mean the world to me.”
Everyone was impressed. When Karttik returned from his journey, he was told everything. He admitted that none was wiser than his brother. And thus, Ganesha won the race and was regarded as the wiser.
8. Dhruva Tara Story in English
(Indian Mythological Stories for Kids)
This is the one of the stories from Indian mythology. Once, there was a king named Uttanpada. He had two wives, Sunity and Suruchi. Sunity had a son named Dhruva and Suruchi’s son was Uttam. Suruchi hated Dhruva and Sunity, and wanted Uttam to be the next king. She was beautiful, so Uttanpada loved her more than Sunity. Under her influence, Uttanpada drove Sunity and Dhruva out of the palace.
One day, Dhruva went to the palace and saw Uttam sitting on Uttanpada’s lap. But when he tried to do the same, Suruchi said, “There is no place for you here”. Dhruva looked at his father but he said nothing. Deeply hurt, Dhruva retired to the forest.
He started praying to God. He prayed for several months to please God. Finally, God appeared before him. He granted him not only a place on his father’s lap, but also a permanent place in the sky after his death.
When this news reached Uttanpada, he was sorry for his actions and brought Dhruva and Sunity back to the palace.
Dhruva was made new king. He ruled for many years. When died, he became a star called Dhruva Tara (Pole Star). It is still seen shining in the sky.
9. Wise Bharathari
(Indian Mythological Stories for Kids)
A long time ago, there lived King Gandharva Sen. He had two wives and two sons, one each from his two wives. Bharathari was the elder son while Vikramaditya was the younger son. After the death of Gandharva Sen, Bharathari became king.
But he soon started losing interest in the welfare of the kingdom. He devoted all his time to the activities of his interest and focused just over himself. So, his step-brother, Vikramaditya, was seated on the throne soon.
One day Vikramaditya urged him not to neglect his duties. Bharathari got very angry and drove Vikramaditya out of the kingdom and seated himself on the throne.
Irritated with his activities, Bharathari’s wife deserted him one day. He became very upset and gave up all the pleasures of life. He began leading a holy life and became a devotee of Lord Shiva. He always chanted the name of the Lord.
He realised that he had been selfish in thinking only about himself, and not about others. He attained complete self-knowledge and became pure at heart. He became one of the most respected sages of ancient India. He is always remembered for his great knowledge and learning.
10. The Accursed Moon
(Indian Mythological Stories for Kids)
Once, Kubera, the god of wealth, invited Ganesha at his palace to a feast. He offered many delicious sweets and dishes to the Lord.
Ganesha loved the food so much that he overate. Thus it became difficult for him to walk. So he sat on his divine vehicle mouse and started his journey to return to his house. It was a full-moon night.
On the way towards Ganesha’s home, his mouse saw a snake and got frightened. It immediately ran behind the bush.
Due to this, Ganesha fell down to the ground and his stomach broke open. Ganesha started to put the food back in his stomach.
The Moon-god saw him and started laughing loudly. Angered by this, Ganesha inflicted a curse on the Moon-god that he would always be black and never be seen by anyone. Frightened, the Moon-god started pleading for mercy.
Ganesha forgave him but said that he would be changing from a new moon to a full moon.The Moon-god kept quiet.
After Ganesha had finished putting the food in his stomach, he took the snake and tied it around his belly. Then he continued going back home.
11. Ganesha Broken Tusk Story
(Hindu Religious Stories with Morals)
This is known from one of the Indian epic stories. One of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu on the earth was a Brahmin named Parashurama. He was born on earth to teach wisdom to the governing class Kshatriyas who were a caste of warriors, holders of the temporal power and had become arrogant and oppressed people.
Parashurama was a great devotee of Lord Shiva. He prayed and meditated on Lord Shiva for a long period. Pleased with his devotion, Lord Shiva appeared before him and granted him his Parashu, the divine axe. This axe helped him to fight against all the corrupt princes, instigated by devils.
Deeply grateful to Lord Shiva, he went to Mount Kailash to express his gratitude to the Lord. But Ganesha, who was guarding the entrance to the palace, told him to wait for the permission of Lord Shiva.
Parashurama thought that he was Lord Shiva’s devotee, so he could enter without permission. But Ganesha barred Parashurama’s way.
Parashurama got angry and stroke violently Ganesha’s tusk with his axe and broke it. Then Lord Shiva and Parvati arrived and blamed Parashurama who bowed down before Ganesha and supplicated to seek his forgiveness and blessing.
Thus, Ganesha was named Ekadanta ‘The Lord with one tusk’.
12. Eklavya and Dronacharya Short Story in English
( Hindu Religious Stories with Morals)
This is the Indian Mythology bedtime stories. Many years back, there lived a boy named Eklavya in the forests of Hastinapur. He wanted to learn archery, so he went to great Dronacharya. But he refused to teach him.
The boy was hurt and returned home. He started practising archery on his own in front of guru Drona’s statue made by him. Soon he mastered archery.
One day, while teaching princes in the forest, Drona saw a dog whose mouth was very skilfully stuffed with arrows to stop it from barking without hurting it.
Everyone was surprised at the art and they began searching for the skilful archer in amazement.
They found the skilled archer Eklavya who had prevented the dog from barking. Drona recognised him. He asked who had taught him such skilful archery.
Eklavya told him the whole story. Drona asked for Eklavya’s right-hand thumb as his gurudakshina(donation of guru) because he wanted his favourite disciple Arjuna to be the world’s best archer.
Eklavya at once took his knife and cut off his thumb and offered it to Drona. He blessed klavya and begged his divine forgiveness.
Eklavya is till praised as the most loyal and brave student in epic of the Mahabharata.
13. Bharata, The Brave
(Hindu Religious Stories with Morals)
This is the mythological stories in english. Dushyanta, the great king of Hastinapur, had a great passion for hunting.
One day, he went to the forest for hunting. He was surprised to find a small boy in the forest. The boy was playing with a lion’s cub. He fearlessly held open the mouth of the cub and said, “O king of the jungle! Open your mouth wide so that I may count your teeth.
Dushyanta was surprised by the childs bravery. He went up to the boy and asked him about his name and his parents.
The little boy replied that he was Bharata, the son of king Dushyanta and Shakuntala. The king was shocked to hear this. He suddenly remembered that he had once married a girl named Shakuntala and left her in the forest.
Later, he had forgotten all about her because of sage Durvasa’s curse. He felt sorry for having forgotten shakuntala.
Later, Shakuntala came there and Dushyanta realised that Bharata was his son. He hugged Bharata lovingly.
Dushyanta took Shakuntala and Bharata along him to Hastinapur.
Later, Bharata grew into a great king. He is still remembered for his bravery. Later, India named ‘Bhaarata’ after his name.
We hope you have enjoyed the Indian mythological stories with morals. If you like then please do share and comment below.