Abkar and Birbal stories for kids are loved because of humor and knowledge readers get. In Akbar and Birbal stories, Akbar also asks the question to Birbal and Birbal responses with his wisdom.

There are various popular Akbar Birbal stories for kids, we have listen from our grandparents which teach some valuable life lessons to children growth.
Small Wisdom Stories of Akbar and Birbal
Here are 31 Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal which you must read to your kids.
Let your kids be amazed at the smartness of Birbal.
1. The Shepherd Boy
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
There were many reasons why Akbar was fond of Birbal. He offered valuable advice, cheered him up and fulfilled all his wishes, no matter how unusual they were.
One day, Akbar asked Birbal to bring the most learned person to his court. Birbal agreed. But he had two conditions. He wanted a week’s holiday and five hundred gold coins.
Akbar agreed. Birbal distributed the gold coins among the needy people. Then, he spent his time teaching a shepherd boy how to behave in the royal court.
After a week, Birbal presented the boy in Akbar’s court. He told Akbar, “Here is the most learned person, Your Majesty.”
Akbar asked the boy, “What is special about you? Where do you live?”
The boy was quiet. Akbar asked, “Why is he silent?”
Birbal said, “His elders have taught him not to speak in front of anyone who is wiser than he.”
Akbar was pleased.
2. The Mad Elephant
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One day, Akbar’’s courtiers were discussing the best weapon. All the courtiers named different weapons. But Birbal said, “There is no such weapon. Whatever comes handy at the time of danger is the best weapon.” Akbar did not agree.
Next day, when Akbar and Birbal were walking through the city, a mad elephant chased them.
Akbar tried to attack it with his sword, but in vain.
As they ran for their lives, Birbal saw a puppy playing by the roadside. He picked it up and threw it at the elephant. The puppy clung to the elephant’s trunk.
Its claws pierced the elephant and it stopped chasing them. Akbar heaved a sigh of relief.
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, the puppy was our best weapon in this situation.” Akbar praised Birbal.
He said, “Birbal, you saved my life today and taught me a great lesson about weapons.” Then he gave Birbal a pearl necklace.
3. Ruling Forever
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One evening, Akbar and Birbal were enjoying a stroll in the garden. Akbar said, “Birbal! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a person who becomes an emperor is allowed to reign forever?”
Birbal said, “Yes, Your Majesty! That sounds great. But there is a problem.”
Akbar asked, “What is it?” Birbal said, “If such a rule was to be followed, you would never have been our emperor.”
Akbar was taken aback. “Why do you say that, Birbal?” he asked.
Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, if your grandfather who was previously the emperor, ruled forever, your father could not have succeeded to the throne.
In turn, you would also have lost the chance to become the emperor. How can you forget that Your Majesty is the grandson of your grandfather?”
Akbar praised Birbal’s logic and common sense.
He said, “The thought never crossed my mind, Birbal. You are so wise!”
4. Birbal has the Answer
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
Akbar was very intelligent. He liked to sharpen his knowledge and test his courtiers’ intelligence as well.
One day, he asked them, “What is that one thing in the world which is ever moving?”
The courtiers began discussing among themselves and came up with many answers. Some said It is the sun. Some said it is the moon. Yet, others said it is the earth that moves forever.
But Akbar did not agree to any of their answers.
Then he turned to Birbal and asked him the question.
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, the interest on the money which is borrowed is ever moving since it it keeps growing without fail and never gets tired.
The interest keeps moving until the borrowed amount is fully paid back to the moneylender.”
Akbar was satisfied with Birbal’’s answer. He said, “Birbal, I knew that no one would be able to answer this question except you.”
5. One eyed Abdul Karim
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One of Akbar’s courtiers went by the name Abdul Karim. He was blind in one eye. He was also jealous of Birbal. He spared no chance to spoil Akbar’s impression of Birbal.
One day, Karim saw Birbal spitting betel nuts on a palace wall. He went to Akbar and complained about Birbal.
Akbar was annoyed. He said, “Birbal, why did you spit on the palace wall? Next time, spit in an empty, useless place.” Birbal apologised to Akbar.
Next day, after chewing betel nuts, Birbal spat into Karim’s blind eye. Karim went running to Akbar.
Akbar roared, “Birbal! What is this?” Birbal bowed and said, “Your Majesty! Karim’s blind eye is empty and useless, so I spat in it!”
Akbar laughed. He told Karim, “It’s not right to tell tales. When you saw Birbal spitting on the wall, you should have asked him not to do so instead of complaining to me.”
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6. Hairless Palms
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One day, when Birbal entered the court,he saw Akbar sitting quietly on his throne, staring at his hands.
Birbal bowed and asked, “Is all well, Your Majesty?”
Akbar asked Birbal, “Why are my palms hairless?” After thinking for a while, Birbal said, “You are very generous, Your Majesty! You always shower everyone around you with gifts and money. You always give away things to the poor and the needy as well.
Your palms are always rubbing against the gifts. Hence, no hair can grow on them.”
Akbar’s eyes twinkled in amusement. He asked, “Birbal, why doesn’t hair grow on your palms?”
Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, you always give me rewards and gifts. My palms rub against them every now and then. So my palms are hairless as well.”
Akbar smiled at Birbal’s quick-wittedness. He said, “Here’s one more gift for your quick reply. Take my diamond necklace,” and he handed it to Birbal.
7. Birbal, The Magician
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One day, a jealous courtier tried to plot against Birbal. Before Birbal entered the royal court, the courtier had whispered in Akbar’s ear, “Your Majesty, Birbal is neglecting his duty and indulging in useless pursuits. I’ve heard that he is learning magic.”
When Birbal came to the court, Akbar asked, “Birbal, I heard you know magic. I have lost my ring. Can you find it?”
Birbal understood that this was the work of a jealous courtier.
He said, “Yes, Your Majesty! I will chant a spell, and the ring will be on your finger.”
Saying this, Birbal began to chant some muysterious words.
Akbar had actually given his ring to the jealous courtier and asked him to hide it in his pocket.
The courtier was scared that the ring would fly away, so he held it tight. Birbal noticed this and said, “The ring is with him!” Akbar smiled.
8. Birbal saves a Life
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
Akbar was a benevolent king but he also had an awful temper. One day, he got angry with one of his courtiers. He was so furious that he ordered the guards to behead him the next day.
The courtier fell at Birbal’s feet and pleaded, “Birbal! Please save me from the Emperor’s wrath.” Birbal offered him advice.
Next day, the courtier stood near the palace gates, where one of the guards saw him.
The guard was taking him away when the courtier said, “I want to see the Emperor before I die.”
The guard reluctantly agreed. When Akbar saw the courtier, he asked the guard, “I had asked you to behead him. Why is he here?”
The courtier knelt in front of Akbar and said, “Your Majesty, you wanted my head. So I decided to bring it to you.”
Akbar smiled and said, “Very well. You may keep it with you.”
9. Birbal and the Stable Boy
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
When Akbar saw Birbal, his favourite minister, walking to the court, he was annoyed. He asked, “Birbal, why are you walking? Where are your horses?”
Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, my wife and her cousins have taken the horses. They have gone to visit relatives.”
Akbar summoned the stable-boy and ordered him to give Birbal a horse.
The stable-boy chose the weakest horse. The horse was sick and reached Birbal’s stable in great pain. At night, the horse died.
Next day, Birbal walked to the court. When Akbar asked him about the horse.
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, the horse you gave me was so fast that he reached heaven last night.”
Akbar scolded the stable-boy and said, “Why did you give Birbal a sick horse? You shall be whipped.”
Birbal said, “Please pardon him, Your Majesty.”
The stable-boy was ashamed. He thanked Birbal for saving him and chose a handsome horse for Birbal.
10. Birbal and Magical Donkey
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One of Akbar’s courtiers rushed to him and said, “There was a theft in my house last night. All my valuables are gone.”
Akbar said, “How can that be? You live in a safe locality.” Then Akbar called Birbal and said, “One of the courtiers must be the culprit.”
Birbal said, “I will find out, Your Majesty,” and he left the court. Soon, he returned with a donkey and said, “This magical donkey will tell us who the thief is.”
Then he asked all the courtiers to lift the donkey’s tail and say, “I am not the thief.” One by one, the courtiers followed Birbal’s instructions.
In the end, Birbal asked them to raise their hands. Everyone’s hands were black. But there was one courtier whose hands were clean.
Birbal pointed towards him and said, “Here is our thief. He was scared of the magical donkey. So he did not touch the tail.”
11. Truth and Falsehood
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
Akbar occasionally put his courtiers’ intelligence to test and asked them all kinds of difficult questions.
One day, he asked them, “What is the difference between truth and falsehood? Tell me your answer in less than three words.”
All the courtiers were taken aback. They did not have the answer to his question and they were silent.
Akbar asked, “Why is everyone quiet? Birbal, can you answer this?”
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, I want everyone else to speak first. That’s why I’m silent.”
Akbar said, “No one seems to know the answer. Go ahead; tell me in less than three words!”
“Four fingers,” said Birbal. Akbar was confused.
Birbal explained, “Your Majesty, what we see is true but what we hear is mostly untrue. And the width between our eyes and ears is that of four fingers. That is what I meant.” Akbar was pleased with Birbal’s answer.
12. Nothing is Permanent
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
Akbar became king when he was just 13. Eventually, he formed a vast empire. He knew he was a great man and this made him arrogant. Due to this, Akbar acted inconsiderately towards his subjects at times.
Birbal did not like this since Akbar was otherwise a kind man.
One day, Birbal disguised himself as a saint and went to the royal garden.
When Akbar came for a stroll, he saw the saint and said, “How dare you enter my garden? You shall be sentenced to death.”
The saint said, “Is this your garden?”
Arrogantly, Akbar said, “Yes!” “Then,” said the saint, “the rivers, the trees and the country all belong to you?”
Akbar said, “Yes!” The saint asked, “Who owned them before they belonged to you?”
Akbar realised that nothing was permanent. What was his today would belong to someone else tomorrow. This knowledge ended the arrogance within him.
13. Birbal and Ironsmith
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One day, Akbar and Birbal were lost in a discussion when the royal ironsmith entered the court. The ironsmith made swords and shields for Akbar’s army.
He announced, “Your Majesty, I have made the strongest sword and shield in the world. No sword can pierce the shield I have made.” Then he held a sword and said, “This is the sharpest sword in the world. It is so sharp that it can cut through the strongest of shields.”
Birbal was listening to all this and said, “How can the sword and the shield be equally strong?
If your shield can protect from the sharpest of swords, the sword you have crafted cannot be the sharpest in the world. And if your sword cuts through the shield you have made, it cannot be the strongest shield in the world.”
Akbar was impressed with Birbal’s observation. He gifted the sword and the shield to Birbal.
14. Six Kings of Persia
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
The king of Persia had heard many stories of Birbal’s wit and wisdom. He wanted to know whether Birbal was indeed intelligent and was eager to meet him. So he sent his messenger with a special invitation to visit Persia.
Birbal accepted the invitation.
When Birbal reached the king’s court, he saw six kings sitting on six thrones. All the kings looked exactly the same.
Birbal was amazed to see this. Then he understood that the king of Persia wanted to test him. Without much thought, Birbal bowed before the real king.
The king was impressed. He asked Birbal, “Dear Birbal, how did you know I’m the king?”
Birbal replied, ‘All the others were looking at you, as if awaiting further instructions, but only you looked straight ahead, just as a leader does.
Only a king looks ahead with confidence, while his subjects look up to him for advice.”
15. The Copper Coin
(Small Stories of Akbar and Birbal)
One day, Akbar called Birbal to his court and had a long discussion. When their conversation ended, Birbal bowed and turned to leave. Just then, a copper coin fell from his pocket.
As Birbal bent to pick the coin up, a jealous courtier said, “Your Majesty, you have showered Birbal with wealth, yet he remains a miser. He is looking for a copper coin.”
Birbal noticed that Akbar was getting upset with the courtier’s comment. He immediately said, “Your Majesty, one side of the coin has your face on it.
I can’t bear the thought of anyone stepping on it. That’s why I’m so keen on picking it up.”
Akbar was impressed. He told the jealous courtier, “Birbal is not only clever, but also loyal towards me.”
Saying this, he took off his diamond ring and gifted it to Birbal. The jealous courtier was annoyed, but he couldn’t do anything.
Hope you are enjoying Akbar and Birbal short stories – You can also Read Very Short Akbar Birbal Stories
16. Birbal Becomes a Cobbler
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One day, Akbar wanted to know how many blind people lived in his kingdom. He asked Birbal about it and Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, please grant me a week’s holiday to find the answer to your question.” Akbar granted him leave.
The next day onwards, Birbal stopped going to the royal court. Instead, he began mending shoes in the local market.
People were surprised to see him there. Everyone would stop by and ask, “Birbal, what are you doing here?”
Soon, Akbar went to the market and asked Birbal the same question, but Birbal did not respond.
After a week, Birbal went back to the royal court with a long list of blind people.
Akbar was angry when he saw his name on the list.
Birbal explained, “Your Majesty, like the rest, you saw me mending shoes, yet you asked me what I was doing.”
Akbar laughed heartily at Birbal’s act.
17. The Emperor’s Invitation
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
There are people who think wealth is necessary to earn respect. Akbar thought so, too. He asked Birbal, “Is it possible for a man to be poor and yet earn respect?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Birbal.
Akbar said, “If this is possible, find such a person and bring him to me.”
Birbal went out on the streets. He had not gone far when he saw a beggar with tattered clothes. He was old and walked with the help of a stick. He had not earned a penny since morning. He had not eaten for days and was weak.
Birbal took the beggar by his hand and led him into the palace.
When Akbar saw the beggar, he asked, “This man is poor, but how does he command respect?” Birbal replied, “This man does not own a penny. Yet he has been invited by the greatest Emperor — and that is you, Your Majesty!”
18. Birbal’s Painting
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One day, Akbar said to Birbal, “You can solve any problem in a jiffy. You must be good at painting too.”
Birbal said, “No, Your Majesty! I can’t even hold a painting brush.”
Akbar angrily said, “I am an art-lover. You cannot say ‘no to me. I want you to imagine and create a painting. It should be ready within a week.”
Birbal did not know what to do, but he had no choice. After a week, Birbal walked in with his painting.
Akbar was furious when he saw it. He said, “Birbal! There are just a few patches of blue and white. What kind of a painting is this?” Birbal replied, “Your Majesty! You asked me to imagine. I imagined a cow and some grass. The cow ate the grass and went to her shed. All that remains is the sky and the clouds.” Akbar had a hearty laugh.
19. Simple and Difficult
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Akbar would ask Birbal the trickiest of questions to test his intelligence.
One day, he said to Birbal, “I have a simple question for you, Birbal. How many bangles does your wife wear?”
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, I do not know.”
Akbar said, “She serves you food every day. Yet, you don’t know.”
Birbal replied, “I can explain that in the garden downstairs, Your Majesty.”
Akbar said, “Come, let’s go,” and they both climbed down the stairs and entered the royal garden.
When Akbar wanted to know the reason why Birbal didn’t know the answer, Birbal said, “Your Majesty, can you tell me the number of stairs we climbed down just now?”
Akbar said, “No, I don’t know.” Birbal said, “Your Majesty, we climb up and down the same flight of stairs every day.”
Akbar smiled and said, “I’’ve understood that one shouldn’t ask questions that one doesn’t have answers for.”
20. Akbar’s Dream
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Birbal was not just blessed with a clever mind. He also had a different way of looking at every situation. He had a positive attitude.
One morning, Akbar was upset with a dream he had. He sent for many renowned astrologers. When they all reached his palace, he asked them to interpret the dream he had the previous night. “I dreamt that all my teeth, except one, had fallen out. What does that mean?”
The astrologers made some calculations and arrived at a conclusion. All of them were of the opinion that Akbar’s relatives ‘would all die before he.
Akbar was not happy to hear this. He sent them all away.
Birbal saw that Akbar was sad and things were getting worse. He said, “Cheer up, Your Majesty! The dream means that you will live longer than all your relatives!”
Akbar smiled and nodded. Once again, Birbal had made his day.
21. The Tradesman and his Servant
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One day, two men entered the royal courtroom. One of them said, “Birbal, please help me. My name is Aamir. I am a tradesman. I had gone abroad after entrusting my servant with my property. But when I returned, I saw that my servant has stolen all my money and is using my name. He also refuses to recognise me.”
The second man said, “No, Your Majesty! I am Aamir. But this man insists that I am his servant.”
Birbal said, “I can read your minds.” Birbal stood there, looking at the men for a while.
Then he ordered the guard, “Off with the thief’s head!”
The guard did not know who the servant was, but he walked towards the men. Just when he neared them, the thief ran to Akbar and begged for mercy.
Birbal said, “The thief got scared when I lied that I could read minds.” Akbar smiled.
22. Birbal and Flatterer
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Birbal and his daughter were in the spice market, when a man came to him and said, “Are you the famous Birbal from Akbar’s court?”
Birbal said, “Yes, I am.” The man said, “I have heard great tales about your generosity. I have come all the way from a distant city just to meet you.
Throughout my journey, I met people who said you are very kind and fulfil “everyone’s wish.”
Birbal understood that the man was flattering him. Birbal said, “I feel great after meeting you, dear gentleman. Will you be going home by the same route?”
The man replied, “Yes, sir.”
Birbal said, “Please tell everyone on your way back that the tales of my generosity are untrue.”
The man understood that Birbal would not be influenced by his sweet talk. Sometimes, people try to fool others with flattery. But Birbal knew how to deal with such people.
23. The CopyCat Hourse
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
There was a wealthy man in Akbar’s kingdom. He bought a handsome horse. But within a few months the horse started limping. The man called many veterinarians to examine his horse but they could not cure it since there was no sprain, fracture or wound.
The man thought, ‘Only Birbal can cure my horse.” After listening to the man, Birbal asked him, “Have you changed anything in your horse’s routine or diet recently?”
The man said, “Yes, I have changed the horse’s trainer.” “Does your horse like his trainer?” asked Birbal.
“Yes, he does. He follows all his commands,” said the man.
Birbal asked, “Does the trainer limp?”
The man’s eyes brightened and he replied, “Yes! He does.”
Birbal said, “Many a time, we try to copy every action of those we admire. Your horse is trying to be like his trainer.”
The man changed the horse’s trainer. Soon, his horse stopped limping.
24. Birbal’s Choice
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Akbar held Birbal’s opinion above everyone else’s. When in a leisurely mood, he would chat with Birbal.
Once, he asked Birbal, “If you had to choose between justice and money, which would you prefer?”
Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, without a thought, I would go for the money.”
Akbar was taken aback. He said, “Take your time, Birbal. Think before you reply.”
Birbal said, “My answer will still be the same, Your Majesty.”
Akbar was upset. He said, “I thought you are different. But you are just as greedy as everyone else. How could you choose the money instead of justice?”
Birbal said, “Your Majesty, you are a kind and just ruler. Your subjects can rest assured that they will have justice in your kingdom. But they are poor and do not have enough money.
That is why I chose money.” Pleased with Birbal, Akbar gave him a thousand gold coins.
25. Akbar and Saint
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Akbar woke up in a foul mood one day. Nothing anyone said or did seemed to please him. To top it all, Birbal also played a prank on him. Akbar was furious and he ordered Birbal to leave the city at once.
Birbal was very sad. He packed his bags and left.
Akbar started missing Birbal. But he couldn’t do anything since he knew Birbal would have followed his order and left the city.
After a few days, a saint decided to visit Akbar’s palace. He had two disciples with him, who said, “Our master can solve all problems and perform miracles.”
Akbar asked the saint many difficult questions and the saint answered them all. Then Akbar said, “If you can perform miracles, make Birbal appear before us.” Immediately, the saint tore off his beard and wig, and there stood Birbal.
Akbar was happy and he welcomed Birbal with open arms.
26. Birbal Passes the Test
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One day, Akbar wanted to test Birbal’s wit. When Birbal entered court, Akbar said, “I have a few questions for you.”
Birbal settled into his seat and said, “I’m ready, Your Majesty. Let’s begin.”
Akbar said, “The sun and the moon are high up in the sky. Is there anything they cannot see?”
Birbal said, “Yes, Your Majesty; they cannot see darkness.”
Akbar said, “What is the difference between truth and lies?”
Birbal replied, “It is the difference between our eyes and ears. Because what we see is truth but what we hear is usually false.”
Akbar was pleased. Then he drew a line on the floor and said, “Birbal, shorten this line without touching it.”
Birbal drew a longer line next to it and said, “There, Your Majesty; I’ve done it.”
Akbar was satisfied with all of Birbal’s answers and showered Birbal with many gifts.
27. Birbal and The Brahmin
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Once, a Brahmin named Sevaram came to visit Birbal. He did not have much wealth and lived a simple life. He was sad. He said to Birbal, “I come from a family of scholars. I do not want wealth. Everyone addressed my ancestors as ‘Panditji’. I want everyone to address me the same way.”
Birbal said, “That is easy. Just ask everyone not to address you by that name.” A few children lived near Sevaram’s house.
Birbal told the children that Severam will not like it if they addressed Sevaram as ‘Panditji’. When they called him ‘Panditji’, Sevaram would shout, “Don’t call me ‘Panditji’.” This made the children laugh.
They went around telling everyone that they should call him ‘Panditji’. Soon, everyone in the city began addressing Sevaram as ‘Panditji’.
After some time, he stopped scolding the children when they addressed him as ‘Panditji’. Now he was a happy man.
28. The Blind Saint
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Once, a couple went to visit a saint with their niece. The saint was blind. But as soon as the niece saw the saint, she cried, “This man killed my parents. Punish him!”
The saint said, “How can a blind man like me kill someone? Take this girl away.”
The couple came home but they felt their niece was telling the truth. So they went to Birbal and told him all about the matter.
Birbal invited the saint to Akbar’s court. When the saint entered, Birbal drew out his sword and walked towards him.
The saint immediately drew out a sword and began defending himself.
Everyone in the court was shocked to see this. Then Birbal turned to Akbar and said, “Your Majesty, this man is not blind. I doubt whether he is a saint.”
Akbar praised Birbal’s intelligence and punished the wicked man who was posing as a saint.
29. The Marriage Procession
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
Akbar and Birbal shared a close relationship. This made the courtiers jealous of Birbal.
One of them said to Akbar, “Your Majesty, why do you listen to Birbal and ignore our suggestions?”
Akbar thought he should prove that Birbal was better than the rest. A marriage procession was passing by and Akbar asked the jealous courtier to find out whose marriage it was.
Akbar asked Birbal to do the same. The jealous courtier ran fast and reached the marriage procession.
He returned with the same speed. Soon, Birbal returned too.
Akbar asked the courtier, “Where is the procession headed?” “I don’t know, Your Majesty,” replied the courtier.
But Birbal answered, “They are going to Allahabad, Your Majesty.”
Akbar turned to the jealous courtier and said, “Being smart requires doing more than what is asked. Now, do you understand why Birbal is my favourite?”
The jealous courtier hung his head in shame.
30. The Good Gardener
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One morning, Akbar was walking in the garden. He was deep in thought when he stumbled against a small rock and hurt his foot.
Angrily, he sent for the royal gardener. He told the gardener, “I hurt my foot because of you. You shall be sentenced to death tomorrow.”
The gardener’s pleas fell on deaf ears. Teary-eyed, the gardener went to Birbal, who whispered a secret in his ear.
Next day, Akbar asked the gardener about his last wish.
The gardener cleared his throat and spat on Akbar’s foot. He had acted on Birbal’s advice. Everyone stared in disbelief.
Then Birbal spoke. He said, “Your Majesty, this gardener is very loyal towards you. He was worried that people would dislike you for punishing him severely for a small mistake. So he committed a crime which was appropriate for a death sentence.”
Akbar realised his mistake and pardoned the gardener.
31. Music to the Bull’s Ears
(Short Akbar and Birbal Moral Stories in English)
One day, Akbar told Birbal, “There shall be a huge music competition next week. Invite the best musicians and Birbal, you shall participate, too.”
On the day of the competition, when the participants had gathered in the royal hall, Akbar announced, “I’m sure you’re all great musicians in your own right. But the winner will be decided by our guest.”
As everyone looked in surprise, a bull was brought in.
Akbar said, “The one who impresses this bull shall win.” The musicians were shocked but they had no choice.
One by one, they played the best music on earth but the bull did not care.
At last, it was Birbal’s turn. He produced the sound of mooing cows and droning mosquitoes with his musical instrument.
At once, the bull looked at Birbal and showed interest in the music.
Akbar said, “Birbal is the winner, since he performed according to the audience’s choice.”
Aren’t above Akbar Birbal short stories full of with and knowledge? Such stories play a important role in the life of kid’s mental development. Children can read such short stories any time when they feel tired and bored.
What have you learn from Akbar and Birbal Small Stories? Tell us in the comment below.