7+ Children Bed Time Stories for Free

Stories are always considered the best way to learn and gain knowledge. To separate the knowledge and learning to kid, we have listed the 10 kids bed time stories for free.

Stories are being written from time immemorial. It is very important for children especially to read the story because due to these, children get to learn.

Here you will find bedtime stories to read free for kids. Children’s stories are most important in getting education for children and this also increases their ability to read and understand.

Bed Time Stories for Free

Let begin the stories bed time stories to tell you about more about values and good deeds.

Mirror Doesn’t Lie

There was a little girl, her name was Pari, she used to get angry over talk. Her mother would always explain to her that ‘Pari, it is not a good thing to be so angry, but still there was no change in her nature.

One day Pari was busy doing her homework. On her table, there was a beautiful pot decorated with flowers. Then by mistake her younger brother’s hand hit the pot and when it fell. Pot broke into many pieces.

What now, Pari got furious with anger. Then there her mother brought a mirror and placed it in front of her.

Now the angry angel saw her face in the mirror, which looked very bad in anger. On seeing such a spoiled face, Pari’s anger became touching.

Then her mother said, See angel! How bad does your face look in the mirror in anger, because the mirror never tells a lie.

Now Pari knew how bad it was to be angry. From then on she made a promise to herself not to get angry.

Found Hidden Treasure

Once an old man was on the verge of death. His sons were very lazy. The old man thought what would happen to them after my death? He called everyone and said, I have buried a huge treasure in the field. A few days later the old man died.

Then his sons searched for a lot of treasure in the field, but were unsuccessful. Then he sowed some seeds after an old man of the village advised them to sow seeds in the field.

After some time they got a bumper crop of wheat. It felt like gold to them. This was the old man’s hidden treasure.

The Tortoise Won, the Rabbit Lost

It’s old time. A hare and a tortoise came face to face. Both decided to run. The hare was very fast, he was running very fast and the tortoise was far behind.

When the hare saw the tortoise far behind him, he thought why not take a nap. The rabbit slept under a tree.

Meanwhile, the tortoise reached where the hare was sleeping. Leaving the rabbit sleeping, the tortoise went ahead and reached the post of victory.

When the rabbit woke up, he was very sad, but could not do anything.

The Mouse Helped The Lion

Once a lion was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly a mouse came out from the burrow of the tree and jumped on the lion’s body.

The lion held him tightly, but after thinking for some reason, freed him from his captivity.

The mouse thanked the lion and said that one day he would help the lion.

A few days later the lion got caught in a hunter’s net. He roared. Hearing the lion’s voice, the mouse came there and cut the net and freed the lion from the net.

The lion thanked the mouse.

Mischief Got Expensive

A shepherd’s boy was very mischievous. He used to take the animals to the forest for grazing.

One day he cried – The wolf has come, the wolf has come. All the villagers ran to save him.

When they went out to look, there was no wolf there. The mischievous boy was laughing out loud seeing the villagers getting upset.

The next day he did the same thing again. The villagers came to help, but he laughed at their stupidity.

One day in reality there came a wolf. Now the boy made a lot of noise for help, shouted, but alas! No villager came to save him. Ultimately the wolf killed the boy.

Lion Paid Favor

There was a slave. His owner was very cruel. So the slave fled to the forest.

There, he saw a lion. The lion was in pain. A thorn was stuck in his paw. The slave man went to the lion and took out its thorn. Now the lion’s pain has subsided.

One day the slave was caught by his master. His master orders him to face the hungry lion.

The slave had understood that his death was certain. But what was the surprise, when the lion came roaring but did not kill the slave but his master. It was the same lion whose slave had saved his life.

Work Smart

A poor man selling a hat was passing through a forest. It was the afternoon time, he sat under a tree, due to fatigue.

He slept under the shade of that tree. At the same time some monkeys came down from the tree and took all his caps.

When the hat seller opened his eyes, he was shocked to see there was no caps.

Then he made up his mind and took off the cap on his head and threw it down.

When the monkeys saw this action, all of them also did the same.

Eventually the cap guy’s intelligence worked and he got all the caps, collecting them all and went on his next journey.

Silly Crow and Cunning Fox

Once a crow found a piece of bread, he was keeping it in his beak. He was sitting on a tree.

Suddenly a fox came there and saw a piece of bread in the beak of the crow. The fox was very clever, he said to the crow, ‘Your voice is very nice and sweet, please sing a song.’

The foolish crow was overjoyed to hear his praise and as soon as he opened his mouth to sing. The piece of bread fell down.

The fox took the piece of bread and ran away and the crow became a fool.

Force of Unity

There was a very old man. He had 4 sons. The old man was very worried about his sons, because all the sons were against each other and used to fight with each other.

One day the old man called all of them to himself and gave each one a piece of wood and asked them to break it.

Everyone broke the wood in a jiffy. Then the old man gathered some pieces of sticks and tied them together and gave them.

But not a single son could break those sticks. Now they understood the power of unity. Then they started living together.

Hope you liked the bed time stories for free given by us. To read more such posts, keep reading our website.

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