The Way God Helps Story

The name of the story is "The way God helps". There was a village, and a river flowed near the village. People of the town believed in God very much.

The name of the story is “The way God helps“. There was a village, and a river flowed near the village. People of the town believed in God very much. There was a big temple (Church) in the same town where a priest used to live.

Once the village was flooded, all the people of the town left their village and started moving to a safe place.

A person from the town ran to the temple and told the priest that we have to leave the town quickly and go to a safe place. The flood will fill the village with water and may even drain the village.

The priest refused to run away and said, “I have my God with me, and he will help me.” If you like to go, then you can go.

Now the flood water was also entering the temple. The villager quickly fled the temple.

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The water in the temple increased, and now the water was flowing above the priest’s waist.

After some time, a man came to the place with his boat and asked the priest to sit in the boat. The priest refused the boatman and told him that I have my God with me, and he will help me. You go away from here. The man left the priest there and took away his boat.

The floodwater had reached the roof by now. The priest left the temple and went to the roof of the temple.

After a while, a helicopter came over there, and a rope ladder came out of the plane and asked the priest to climb on it. The priest refused to climb the ladder and said that my God would save me. The helicopter then left from there to save the lives of other people.

Now the entire temple was submerged in water and reached the priest’s shoulders.

The priest said, “Oh my God! I did my devotion and service all my life, but why did you not come to save me?

Then God came there, and he said that I had come three times to save your life, but you refused to seek my help thrice.

Once I came as a villager once I came with a boat and finally came in a helicopter. You declined to seek my advice three times. You could not recognize me.

The priest realized his mistake and asked God to forgive him and save his life. God gave him another chance and saved his life.

Moral Education :
Many opportunities in life come without calling. We do not recognize them and complain about an experience that we have no chance in life to live a good life. We should always look at every opportunity so that our life can be useful.

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