Crow and Eagle Short Story for Kids

This is a Crow and Eagle Short Story for Kids. Once there was an eagle at the top of a mountain. There was a banyan tree under the same..

This is a Crow and Eagle Short Story for Kids. Once there was an eagle at the top of a mountain. There was a banyan tree under the same mountain in which a crow lived.

The crow was very lazy and useless. He thought that he would get food without any effort.

There were also rabbits burrowings on that hill. The eagles used to catch the rabbit by flying and swooping.

Once, the crow thought that he too would fly like an eagle and suddenly catch a rabbit by swooping. The same is what the crows did.

The crows flew very high and quickly moved down towards the rabbit. Crow had forgotten that he is not an eagle. Read also The fox and Crow

The rabbit saw the crows coming to catch him. Rabbit suddenly went behind the hill.

The crow was so fast that he could not control himself, and his beak collided with a rock and broke his neck. The crows died sometime later.

Moral of the Story – Crow and Eagle Short Story for Kids

Don’t take on more than you can handle

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