The Golden Swan Short Story in English

This is the Golden Swan Short Story in English. A long time ago, a Golden Swan lived in a lake. You know, the swan is a very beautiful bird, but this swan was something unique. She had a beautiful shiny golden feathers.

There was a house near the lake where the swan lived. In this house, A poor woman lived with her two daughters. They were so poor that they could not even get two meals a day. Read also Two Swan and Tortoise Story

The golden swan was aware of the family’s plight. She thought, “Oh God, how much trouble this woman and her daughters are living!

Golden Swan | Short Story in English
Golden Swan | Short Story in English

They are my neighbors, helping them is my religion.

If I give him one of my golden feathers, the woman can make a living by selling it in the market.

By doing so, he will be able to eat two tanks. ”

With such a good spirit, the swan flew to the woman’s house. Seeing the golden swan in her house, the woman said, “Dear swan, why are you here? I am embarrassed to say that I have nothing to give you. ”

The golden swan said, “No, no, I have not come here to take anything from you.

On the contrary, I want to give you something.” I have been watching you for a long time how hard you are living your life.

I want to give you this golden feather of mine. If you sell it in the market, you will get the money and you will get some help. ”

The poor woman and her daughters were amazed to hear this. The golden swan gave them one of its golden feathers and flew away.

Now it seems that whenever the family needed something, Swan would give them a golden feather and sell it to make a living from the money he got. Thus, by selling golden feathers, they continued to buy comforts for themselves.

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One day The poor woman’s mind has been turned upside down, and thought ,”how has been she lived whole life in discomfort?’

She began to think that if this golden swan kept moving away from here, what would happen to us? 

One day she said to his daughters, “We have seen a very bad time in life and I do not want to see those days of poverty again.

The golden swan has become a blessing for us, but what if it stops giving us feathers? Or if Swan leaves this lake and goes to live elsewhere?

No, no, I don’t want to be poor again. I think, ‘the time has come for us to get rid of all the golden feathers of the swan as soon as possible.

Both daughters were good natured, they didn’t think it was right. They explained to his mother, “No, mother, we should not do that. This will make the swan very sad.

How can we betray the one who helped us in times of trouble? ”

But the wicked mother did not listen to her daughters. She had decided in his mind that now when the swan came to meet him, it would strip all her feathers.

One day Golden Swan came to meet the family. The woman, already determined in her mind, grabbed the golden swan and brutally pulled out all its feathers.

The poor golden swan began to growl in pain. The woman was delighted to see so many golden feathers.

But what is this? The color of the golden feathers began to change.

In a short time the beautiful, shining golden feathers became black, scary feathers.

The greedy, wicked woman and her daughters were devastated.

The saddened golden swan said, “What have you done, you deceitful woman?

I always helped you and you tried to kill me?

So far I have gladly given you my golden feathers, but from now on I will not help you.

The feathers you snatched away will no longer be of any use. They are no longer more precious than ordinary feathers.

From today I am leaving this lake. I will never return here. ” Saying this, The golden swan flew away with a sigh.

The woman and her daughters were very sorry for what they had done, and all three began to regret what had happened. But, now the whole thing is out of hand.

All three had no choice but to watch the Golden Swan go away.

Moral of the Story – Golden Swan | Short Story in English

Misfortune tells us what Fortune is

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