This is the Merchant and Tenali Raman Best Story. Once a foreign merchant came to the court of King Krishnadevaraya. This businessman met the king and said that he has heard that the king has many ministers and he has heard a lot about the intelligence of these ministers.
This merchant sought permission from the king that he wanted to test the knowledge of his ministers.

The king also agreed to that merchant and said that he could test the intelligence of his ministers.
Then what.. Merchant gave three dolls to the king and these three dolls were similar in appearance.
After giving the doll to the king, the merchant told the king that within thirty days, Your ministers should tell me what is the difference between these dolls that look alike.
The king took the dolls from the merchant and called the ministers of his state and gave them to do this work..
However, the King did not assign this task to Tenali Raman. But for a long time, no minister was able to tell what the difference is between these dolls that look alike. Then the king gave the same task to Tenali Rama
…As soon as the thirty days were over, Merchant came to the king’s court and asked for an answer to his challenge.
Tenali Rama smiled and told the merchant, Well! Out of these three dolls..
..One doll is good, the second is normal while the third one is very bad.
Everyone was surprised to hear this reply of Tenali Rama..
On what basis did Tenali give this answer.
Then Tenali Rama put a wire in the first doll’s ear in front of everyone and that wire came out of the doll’s mouth.
..Then he put a wire in the other doll’s ear and that wire came out of that doll’s other ear.
And after putting the wire in the ear of the last doll, that wire did not come out of any place.
After which Tenali Rama said that the doll from whose mouth the wire came out is bad. Because if someone tells him something, then She will inform everyone about that matter.
At the same time, the doll that came out of the ear is fine, because if someone tells her something, then she will not listen to it carefully.
The last doll is there, whoever tells her, she will keep it inside her heart. So that doll is good.
In this way, along with Raja, the businessmen were also surprised to hear the reply given by Tenali Rama.
But Tenali did not stop here, he said about these dolls, that the first dolls are among those who listen and share knowledge.
Rather, the second doll is among those who do not understand what they are taught, and the last doll is of those who keep knowledge limited to themselves.
King Krishnadevaraya was also very happy to hear this reply from Tenali. That businessman also understood that what he had heard about the intelligence of the king’s minister was absolutely correct.
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